
会員数:企業・団体 会員ログイン

ニュース 2022年

【公開のお知らせ】 ジェンダー平等事例集 英語版


”Gender Equality Initiatives in Japan: Interviews with 24 Companies on Diversity & Inclusion"

GCNJは昨年12月に公開した「ジェンダー平等事例集 Diversity & Inclusion」を、広く世界の皆様にご覧頂けるよう英語に翻訳・公開いたしました。

”Gender Equality Initiatives in Japan: Interviews with 24 Companies on Diversity & Inclusion"(PDF:8.5MB)

(日本語版)ジェンダー平等事例集 Diversity & Inclusion -日本企業24社の取り組み-(PDF:9MB)

GCNJ publication: “Gender Equality Case Studies" English version
”Gender Equality Initiatives in Japan: Interviews with 24 Companies on Diversity & Inclusion“

GCNJ has translated the "Gender Equality Case Studies: Diversity & Inclusion" published last December into English and published it so that it can be read by people around the world. It presents interviews with the persons in charge of promoting gender equality at 24 GCNJ member companies. This collection of case studies summarizes the strategic measures taken by the companies and the efforts and achievements of those in charge. GCNJ sincerely hopes that this collection of case studies, which brings together the wisdom of individual companies, will become a tool for all companies and organizations to promote and strengthen their actions.